Learn to draft with perfection every time.

We offer tutoring by lawyers for lawyers in legal writing and typography. Our courses are designed for you and your staff to draft perfect documents every time.
Tutoring and Consulting Services
per session
A customized, one-on-one session to learn everything about formatting.
Each session is two hours. We welcome attoneys and paralegals.
The first session includes a comprehensive review of your writing and tackling areas for improvement.
Additional sessions, as needed, to master drafting elements including argument structure, formatting, other typographical considerations, and writing for the judge.
Group Lessons
per person
Base cost of $450.
Focused on the fundamentals with a deep dive into formatting and typography.
Group involvement in discussions over argument structure and writing for the judge.
The most cost-effective option for a firm's associate attorneys.
per hour
We help firms improve quality and consistency by overhauling their drafting standards.
Create and hone template drafts.
Implement standard operating procedures for all writing tasks.
Long-term drafting consulting for firms or individual legal professionals.
Make judges happy.
Learn to draft efficient and professional filings.
Draft efficiently
Judges have very little time to prepare for your hearing. We'll help you learn how to structure your arguments and adopt strategies that maximize the information they digest in as little time as possible.
Draft professionally
Filings that look professional and are easy to read make it that much easier for the judge to read your fiing. Don't make the judge's life harder; learn proper formatting and typography.
Law Students

Go to Lawyers
Tutoring for law students.

We'll help you learn one-on-one how to create flawless drafts and succeed in your legal-writing classes.
Book a personalized tutoring session
Master legal writing and build confidence in your drafting.
Grammar & usage
Argument structure
And more!

In-Person and Remote
We offer remote tutoring for $50 per hour for anywhere in the United States and in-person options for law students in Austin, Texas.
LSAT Tutoring
We also offer LSAT tutoring to prospective law students. Reach out today to dicsuss our options!